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A celebration of good stuff and seeds planted

So it's almost obligatory when you do blogs and online content that you do a look back/review piece and whilst I don't always stick to things like that 2023 has been a bit of a year (in all good ways I should stress!) and this little stroll down memory lane is mostly for me to process everything....but if you fancy taking a stroll with me that would be lovely!

There was lots of opportunities to be of service to both individuals, groups and the wider community with sessions in arts and crafts, mindfulness,and creating with essential oils amongst other things seeing me work with both young and adult carers at Renfrewshire carers centre, community networks (a Renfrewshire council service for adults with additional support needs) and Bernardo's centres in Paisley and Irvine as well as a talk for the local branch of the federation of holistic therapists and my own workshops throughout the year.

In terms of service to the wider community one of my biggest projects over the last few years has been feel good February which has grown from a wellbeing weekend pre pandemic to its now regular month long festival. 2023's was packed with the truly amazing and lovely Philippa Hanna coming back to perform a show, a bath bomb making workshop from the local branch of Lush and also a definite pinch me moment as I hosted an evening with the excellent David R Hamilton phd, a well known author on the mind-body connection and on kindness whos work I have admired and followed for years

There was also the "feel good fair" which WAS my once a year creative wellbeing fair.....I say was because that kinda changed this year with the success of the february event leading to my being given the opportunity to organise one for sma shot day (a big day in the Paisley calender steeped in the weaving heritage and history of the town) and then opting to organise a festive one too....I'm not sure how many there will be next year at time of writing this as they do take a LOT of work so at the moment february is in the calender and the rest we'll wait and see.

Next thing on the highlights reel/gratitude review came in April when, after MANY weeks of trying and A LOT of tweets (not sure what we're meant to call them now with the X thing!) I was selected by Theo Paphitis, well known multiple business owners and dragon (dragons den being a business pitch TV show) to join his Small Business Sunday group. Its a really supportive and friendly group of fellow business owners with great opportunities to network, collaborate, and generally just connect with people who understand the life of a small business person. Some of the winners circle I already knew prior to winning, like the awesome Susie Rodgers (she's a Millinery magician and all round awesome person )

There was more recognition in June and I still have to pinch myself with this one as I was given the "Inspirational community contribution" award in the Renfrewshire Inspirational Awards. I was genuinely doing the whole "just nice to be nominated" thing and having a lovely night out with my mum and some very close friends (including Catherine who was behind the initial nomination campaign!) so actually winning was amazing and actually rendered me pretty much speechless when I was presented with my trophy!

It's amazing to be looking back, reviewing all this and realising that I've written all this and it's STILL not all there was to be grateful for in 2023.

I also took part in the making the invisible visible calender shoot for the second year in a row. I love being part of these shoots, they are so positive and empowering and also, thanks to the amazing work of Jessica Logan who set up the organisation and organises the shoots, raises a fantastic amount of money for a range of charities including FMA UK. Our photographer this year was the amazing talent that is Alasdair Watson, he used the setting of the quirky and cool Restoration and creation to full effect and got some stunning photos. Massive thanks also to the previously mentioned Susie Rodgers Millinery who gave me the honour of wearing her stunning "float" headpiece for the shoot.

As well as this I also released 3 colouring books (not my artwork but that's in the works for 2024!), hosted my first all day wellbeing retreat (which was so well received I'm hosting a 2 day one aligned with my book content in March 24) , recorded a podcast episode with a fantastic local studio and brand AND I finished off the year with another biggie....

I had put the wheels in motion for this one back in August when fate and fortune magazine (a popular magazine for all things spiritual/holistic) posted on their Facebook page that they were looking for psychics for a challenge feature in the magazine. I don't really identify as psychic, more an intuitive and angel card reader and I told them that when i contacted them.

Fortunately they opted to add me to their list and in October I read for a lovely lady called Abbey. I didn't get full feedback until the magazine article dropped only being told initially by the article writer that Abbey had been "very happy" with how the session went. The magazine came out just before Christmas and reading abbeys feedback in full was just wonderful, the angels had been SO spot on in the information and evidence provided and Abbey found it a very positive experience.

I've had lots of lovely people reach out, connect and even book sessions on the back of it so I'm grateful that it has given me a platform to reach out to more people.

Talking of platforms to reach people my first big thing of 2024 (aside from all the feel good february fabulousness of course!) will be the release of "how I became a butterfly". A book more than 6 years in the making and now feels like the right time for it to emerge. I'm so excited to share it with people and if it helps just one person then it'll be worth all the effort.

So, Firstly if you've made it to this point....thank you! It may have been a bit waffly but in my defence there was a LOT to waffle about! Thank you also for connecting with me and my work....this journey has been , and always will be, about helping people and holding space for people to work on their wellbeing, be that physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, and I welcome each and every opportunity to do that that has presented itself so far and I open myself to all the opportunities that 2024 has in store.....I hope you can open yourself to the possibilities and opportunities of a great new year too.

Talk soon

Love and angel hugs


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