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A matter of perspective

Hello again,

Been a few weeks since I last blogged but I didn't want to post til I had something to share. I like to waffle but I still like there to be some sort of meaningful point to make in amongst the waffling!!

Yesterday I went on a thread themed guided walk round Paisley town centre with friends from the "slow stitch" group I attend every week. Now I've lived in Paisley for almost 20 years and some of our group are born and bred here yet there was SO much in the architecture, street furniture and stories that we had never seen or didn't know about. (A testimony to the knowledge of our esteemed tour guide David from Paisley Darkside Historical Walking Tours. )

The things we discovered just by changing our line of sight and looking up was amazing and it got me reflecting on how that's the case with our thoughts too. A change of perspective can be the shift that changes circumstances and situations to make them more pleasant or at least more manageable.

I've done a fair bit of work on changing thoughts over the years. It was actually an integral part of some of the work I did as a patient with the NHS centre for integrative care in Glasgow with some Cognitive Behavioural therapy based programmes which encouraged learning to accept my fibromyalgia diagnosis, adapting to living with the condition in instead of fighting against it and also howto change some of my unhelpful behaviours that were probably adding to my challenges

Alongside that I also read the amazing "you can heal your life" by Louise Hay. A transformational and powerful self help book written by a truly inspirational lady. It's sold over 30million copies worldwide and was the first thing I read that really began to ignite my understanding of how thoughts are not facts and it's possible to change them!

I've continued on that path for quite a while now, making new shifts of perspective and discovering new, or hidden, wonders about myself or life in general along the way.....even better is the work I do helping people make their own shifts and discoveries so I know that not only is it possible and achievable for me but for anyone else who makes a choice to try to see things from a different point of view!

Id love to hear in the comments about your changes of perspective and mindset shifts.

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