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Connections and communities

OK so the one blog a month thing hasn't really worked out has it!!! When I left you at the start of May I was talking about the sma shot day feel good fair and that, along with some other stuff that I needed time to actually wrap my head round and find words for before I could fill you in, is why there's been a bit of a gap.

First up on the "and here's what you've missed" list is a little thing that happened at the end of April. (Yes I know I've done a blog since then but they were fibro focussed really so this particular piece of news didn't really fit)

Theo Paphitis (yes him off dragons den! ) does a thing on twitter called Small Business Sunday. Its an opportunity to shout about what you do, share your awesomeness with the world (well twitter!) and maybe catch the eye of a very respected businessman and thereby win access to a wonderful circle of fellow business people to network, brainstorm and very often have a laugh and some fun with.

Anyway I had been entering almost every Sunday for a loooooooong time, I tried quirky tweets, clever tweets, subtle tweets and bold tweets with no success so, on Sunday 23rd April, I went for direct and, paraphrasing a little,tweeted something like....look I've tried everything I can think of will you just pick me already!!

Come Monday 24th when the announcement was made for that week....he DID pick me! Which means I get opportunities to connect and network with other businesses all over the UK, can access training and other opportunities, and I'll get to go to Birmingham next february to meet theo and connect in person with my fellow winners. Oh and I got a pretty badge for my socials and website

That was a nice wee boost and it's been nice to have extra opportunities to connect with fellow business owners (I even hosted one of our twitter chat hours last night!)

Most of my focus after that, apart from the stuff I did for fibromyalgia awareness day that I mentioned in a previous blog, was on the Sma shot day feel good fair. Sma shot day is a BIG day in the Paisley calender dating back into the time of the weavers of the famous Paisley pattern shawls, so to have the opportunity to organise an event, in partnership with the local councils programme of events, was a huge honour and one that I am pleased to report went pretty well. The overwhelming feedback was positive and plenty of sign ups from stallholders for future events too!

Oh actually I need to step things back to the night before sma shot day actually for the main reason why this blog has taken me so blooming long to write. The Renfrewshire Inspirational Awards was held on the 30th June and I had, thanks to some very kind and very supportive people, found myself shortlisted in the "Inspirational community contribution" category.

I took my mum as my plus 1 and, fortunately, a trio of good friends managed to get themselves on the guest list to give me extra support, although I genuinely was there on a "nice to be nominated" / "it'll be a nice wee night out" imagine my surprise/shock when I was actually announced as winner!!!

I was asked if I wanted to say anything and genuinely, and most unlike me, couldn't find the words. I was also fearing a Halley Berry oscars speech style flow of emotions if I did!!!

Seriously though I am incredibly honoured and grateful to have received the award. I don't do ANY of the stuff I do for the praise or the accolades...its never about me but ALWAYS about we....about wanting to ensure people are empowered, enabled and pay it back into the community I live in,.to try and help or make a difference if i can and, in terms of the fibromyalgia/chronic illness stuff I do to give a little hope and empathy to those who very often don't have the hope and don't have the support I have been lucky to have

Photo credit: John masson photo

The last "and here's what you missed" nugget was just a week or so back when, in the spirit of what I said about chronic illness awareness, I took part, the second year in a row, the Scottish leg of the "making the invisible visible" calender shoot.....I'll be doing a proper/full blog on that when I get the photos back but again it was a fun and special day to be part of.

So that's you all caught up on a wee whirlwind of celebrations, awards and opportunities. If you read to here well done and thank you.....because if you're committed enough to have read all this then there is a very strong likelihood that you played a part in the stuff I've just shared about.

That's all for now and I'll try not to leave it two months before the next blog!!

Love and angel hugs


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