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Feel good february: rest and reflections!

Hello there! So it's been a wee while since I last blogged. I did intend to do a once a month piece but there has been a lot happening both in front of and behind the scenes at the butterfly room so some plates that were spinning dropped a little quicker to allow the important ones to be kept spinning.

From the last quarter of last year the biggest plate that was spinning in terms of planning was "feel good february" which grew from a weekend in 2020 to a whole month of events this year!

I'm now reaching the half way point of that month having just had a weekend where I brought the amazing Philippa Hanna (who I've loved for 8 years since I saw her support wet wet wet at the hydro in Glasgow and who has supported acts like Lionel Richie, little mix and the kingdom choir.....honestly if you haven't heard her before go look her up you will NOT be disappointed!!) to paisley for an acoustic concert and also had a 2 venue wellbeing fair with amazing makers and therapists so it seemed a.good point to have a wee day to myself, a bit of self care (we'll it is international self love day!) and several cups of tea while I reflect on what has passed and what is to come in terms of this month and also where I'd love feel good february to grow and go in the future.

I should probably take it back a bit and explain what "feel good february" is and was designed to do for anyone who stumbles across this blog not having heard me waffle on about it for the past year at least!!! Feel good february is, at this stage, a month long festival of all things wellbeing related that was created with my passion for making sure wellbeing practices and opportunities for therapeutic creativity are accessible and affordable to all very much at the core.

This month already there has been events featuring angel work, meditation and mindfulness, crafting and colouring, and then this weekend meaningful music and wonderful makers and.therapists sharing their work yesterday.

All of this designed, planned and brought together with rhe hope of making a difference.....and if even just one person in my Renfrewshire community or beyond feels better, thinks better, learns some tools for their wellbeing or is inspired to do something for others then I will consider this month a success and worth every moment spent on it.

I have learned so much about myself so far this month too and have felt my confidence, determination and skill sets grown so much ...all of which I can, and will, channel into being better at and doing more for those who I hope to help and make a difference for.

The rest of rhe month is all small and cosy events and then the plans will begin for feel good february 2023....with it maybe going national or even international as time progresses international. That may sound impossible but all it needs is one person in one town to host one small event

All this stuff is like ripples in a pond.....we may never change the world but it is possible to change the world for one person and that's why i do what I do.

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